Designing a logo is, as previously mentioned, not an easy task. Logos has an important role to convey a certain message to the audience. Sometimes it’s not just a message that the logo conveys. Upon closer examination of certain logos you may find so-called subliminal messages. It is a message that our sense organs perceive but our subconscious does not register.
Below are some examples of logos where subliminal messages appear, it may be worthwhile to study before starting to create your own business logo.
FedEx logo is referred to as the most famous logo with a hidden message. At close inspection, you will see a hidden arrow between the letters E and X. The arrow symbolizes the speed and precision which is the companies main selling points.
A green tree is easy to discern in Green Labs logo. On second glance, the canopy also be interpreted as a brain and symbolizes the strong intellectual capacity that the company possesses.
At first glance the Amazon logo does not seem to hide much. But look again and you might spot the yellow arrow that looks like a smile. It probably symbolize happy and satisfied customers. Further examination reveals that the arrow starts from the letter A and ends pointing on Z, which symbolize the store’s wide product range with products from A to Z.
Northwest Airlines logo also contains some hidden messages. First you find the letters N and W in the left ring. However, it can be difficult to see that the same ring forms a compass that points in the direction of northwest.
NBC which is one of the biggest tv companies in the USA has the famous peacock logo. What you may not know is that the peacock tail feathers symbolize the six divisions that existed at the time the logo was created. The bird’s head is turned to the right and illustrates the companies will to strive forward.
It’s no surprise that the chocolate Toblerone is linked to the country Switzerland, the mountaintop used in the logo also reinforces it. However, you may not know
that Toblerone have its origin from the city of Bern. You can actually find a reference to the city in the logo if one carefully examines the mountain. If you look carefully the mountaintop contains a bear silhouette, for those who do not know the city of Bern is called “The city of Bears”.
In the above examples, we show examples of logos that subliminally conveys the companies core values and history. It might be a good idea to think of the logo as something more than just a way to show your company name. Clearly you can say much more about the company by having a well thought out logo.
Do you want your logo to highlight the strengths of your business? On Logosack you get several
hundred logo suggestions on how your logo might look like. We can also help you If you rather want a custom logo made for you.